Welcome to NENA MB

National Emergency Nurses Association of Manitoba (NENA MB)

Emergency nurses across Manitoba have the opportunity to experience the geographical vastness of our province. Whether working in urban center ED’s with tertiary care capabilities, rural emergency departments (ED’s) servicing smaller communities, or the remoteness of the North with its ED’s and nursing stations; there are many opportunities for nurses to practice in varied settings across this province.

NENA MB is a provincial organization affiliated with the National Emergency Nurses Association (NENA).

Founded in 1981 as the Emergency Department Nurses Association (EDNA) of Manitoba, this special interest group offered courses, hosted conferences and other events.

In 2019, EDNA formally became NENA MB along with an updated logo, voted in by the members.

NENA MB became incorporated as an organization in 2020, continuing with its focus on education for emergency nurses through course offerings and hosting events for current practice themes.

NENA MB serves as a connection for emergency nurses across the province, and is a part of NENA’s national network of emergency nurses and emergency department partners.

When you join you are both a member of NENA and NENA MB.

Click HERE, or the JOIN or the JOIN option in the NENA navigation menu.

Remember that your membership is not complete until you submit your membership fee through PayPal. You will receive an e-mail receipt confirming acceptance.

The advantages of belonging to NENA MB and NENA are many:

  • Reduced registration fees to educational sessions such as the Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC), the Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC), Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS)
  • Reduced registration fees to both NENA MB sponsored educational events offered periodically as well as NENA national conferences offered every spring across Canada
  • A subscription to the Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing (CJEN), NENA’s official publication
  • Access to the NENA website with information regarding emergency nursing practice issues including standards and position statements
  • An opportunity to network with other Emergency nurses in the province and across the country
  • Educational bursaries, both from NENA MB and NENA, to qualifying members
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) 9th Edition

September 21 & 22, 2024

Learn more >

Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) 9th Edition

September 21, 2024
Renewal Option – 1 day course

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