Saving lives through excellence in emergency nursing.

The National Emergency Nurses Association (NENA) is the national voice for the highest standards and practices in emergency nursing and emergency departments across Canada.

NENA advocates and educates within the health community for the recognition and support of emergency nursing as a vital specialty in the field of health care. NENA also frequently publishes “position statements” on a wide range of topics pertaining to emergency nursing and the operation of emergency departments.

One of NENA’s most important objectives is to promote the professional and skill development of emergency nurses, through educational exchange, networking, conferences and by offering and designing world class training courses such as the Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC), the Emergency Nursing Paediatric Course (ENPC), and the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) .

NENA publishes the highly acclaimed Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing.

Each NENA member is also a member of a provincial emergency nursing association. While the provincial associations are governed by their own autonomous boards and bylaws, provincial associations are united to promote NENA’s national objectives.

NENA is governed by a national Board of directors which is responsive to a collaborative advisory council comprised of representatives from the provincial organizations.

The current NENA Board members are:

President - Dawn Peta
President Elect - Chris Picard
Past President - Joe Carr
Financial Liaison - Dawn Peta
Secretary - Kristy Waffle
Director of Education - Nada Melendez-Duke

Regional Representatives:

AB Director - Trent Moser
BC Director - Phoenix Frechette
SK Director - Desiree Nahachewsky
MB Director - Cheryl Swanson
ON Director - Paul Lacey
IND Director - Melanie Fecteau
NB Director - Jennifer Myles
NS Director - Tanya Penney
PEI Director - NS Director Covering
NL Director - Rebecca Reid
QC Director - Josiane Arsenault

NENA Comittee

CTAS Representatives:

CTAS Representative - Joy McCarron
CTAS Representative - Jennifer Cameron
CTAS Representative - Kaitlynn Kylie
CTAS Representative - Kristen Mackenzie
Board Members + -
President - Dawn Peta
President Elect - Chris Picard
Past President - Joe Carr
Financial Liaison - Dawn Peta
Secretary - Kristy Waffle
Director of Education - Nada Melendez-Duke

Regional Representatives:

AB Director - Trent Moser
BC Director - Phoenix Frechette
SK Director - Desiree Nahachewsky
MB Director - Cheryl Swanson
ON Director - Paul Lacey
IND Director - Melanie Fecteau
NB Director - Jennifer Myles
NS Director - Tanya Penney
PEI Director - NS Director Covering
NL Director - Rebecca Reid
QC Director - Josiane Arsenault
NENA Comittee + -

Proposed Bylaw Changes

Over the past two years, all Federal Not-for-Profit groups were required by law to revise their By-Laws and file for an Article of Continuance. Your Board of Directors has been working to complete the changes required to bring NENA into compliance with Corporations Canada – Not for Profit Act (NFP),S.C. 2009, c. 23, current to Feb 27, 2014. As of Mar 2, 2023, NENA board strength has been proposed to be increased from 12 to 15 members.


GM Minutes

Canadian Forensic Nurses Association
IAFN International Association of Forensic Nurses
CNA Canadian Nurses’ Association
ENA Emergency Nurses Association
CAEP The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians

Nominations - 2024

Director MB

Director ON

Director QC

Director NS

Director PEI

Director NL