RE: Corporation Canada – Not-for-Profit Act (NFP Act)
Over the past two years, all Federal Not-for-Profit groups were required by law to revise their By-Laws and file for an Article of Continuance. Your Board of Directors has been working to complete the changes required to bring NENA into compliance with Corporations Canada – Not for Profit Act (NFP),S.C. 2009, c. 23, current to Feb 27, 2014. Failure to align our structure with the new regulations would result in dissolution of NENA.
The attached copy of the new By-laws No 1 is for ratification by Special Resolution.
All NENA members will receive a ballot by email and you will have two (2) weeks in which to reply either by return email or by Canada Post. Voting will commence on April 7, 2014 and end at midnight Pacific Daylight Time on April 21, 2014.
We appreciate the continued support of NENA members while we work to conform to the new regulations. The coming year will bring many new and exciting changes to assist emergency nursing.